More Ways to Give to UNT

Interested in supporting UNT through other types of gifts? University Advancement is committed to helping you find the giving method that works best for you.

Contact us at to discuss ways you can make a difference.

Give From a Donor-Advised Fund

You can now initiate a grant recommendation from your donor-advised fund (DAF). Simply follow the link below to find your fund and the system will prompt you through the process.

Estate and Planned Giving

With a planned gift to UNT, you can combine your desire to give with your overall financial, tax and estate planning goals. We’ll help you tailor a gift to your unique needs and interests and ensure that your generosity supports UNT and our students for years to come.

To explore giving options, visit the Estate and Planned Giving website.

Non-Cash Gifts

Appreciated securities allow you to receive some of the most significant tax breaks with the IRS.

Real estate transfers – residential, commercial or undeveloped – are eligible for an income tax deduction of the fair market value, regardless of what you originally paid.

Personal property, such as books, artwork or equipment, can be donated without adversely affecting your cash flow.

Business interests in a closely held or family business can be given to UNT without incurring a capital gains tax on any appreciation in the shares.

Partnership interests in real estate or oil and gas can be transferred to the university.

Retirement assets can be donated directly to benefit UNT.
