UNT Faculty and Staff Emergency Relief Fund

A contribution to the UNT Faculty and Staff Emergency Relief Fund can make a world of difference for members of our UNT community who are experiencing a temporary financial hardship that impacts their ability to meet immediate, essential expenses.

The fund offers financial assistance of up to $1,000 for qualifying UNT faculty and staff. To be eligible, an individual must:

  • Be an active, benefits- and retirement-eligible faculty or staff member
  • Have full- or part-time continuous employment for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application
  • Have a temporary financial hardship because of an emergency situation
  • Have a base salary of less than $60,000
  • Have not received a Faculty and Staff Emergency Relief Fund award in the past two years

A temporary financial hardship is one caused by a specific event such as but not limited to:

  • Serious illness or critical injury
  • Loss of livable housing due to structural damages caused by fire or other natural disaster
  • Death of a family or household member
  • Significant loss of household income affecting the employee’s ability to pay for basic needs

To apply for financial assistance, complete the UNT Faculty and Staff Emergency Relief Fund Application. All applications are confidential and shared only with individuals directly involved in award administration.

Visit the UNT Faculty and Staff Emergency Relief Fund webpage for details about the selection process, application guidelines and more.
