College of Science
Students Helping Students
Celebrate your graduation by helping future College of Science students succeed! Before you walk across the stage to commemorate your college degree, establish your UNT legacy with a contribution to our Students Helping Students campaign. Your gift as small as $20.24 will help share the wealth of UNT resources and experiences you’ve enjoyed with students following your footsteps. Donors will receive a special philanthropy graduation cord and recognition at commencement.
Contributing is easy. Simply:
- Make your gift using the form on this page.
- Beginning November 1, 2024, bring a copy of your confirmation email to Abi Blackburn at the front desk in the Dean's Suite in Hickory Hall to receive your graduation cord.
- Wear your cord to commencement and stand tall with UNT pride!
For questions, contact Courtney Marie McCreedy in the College of Science
at Courtney.McCreedy@unt.edu.